Churches and Chapels
Eglwys Gymraeg Canol Llundain - www.egcll.org/
Borough Welsh Chapel - http://welshchapel.com/
St Benet’s Welsh Church - www.stbenetwelshchurch.org.uk/
Capel Jewin - www.capeljewin.org
Clapham Junction, Beauchamp Road, SW11 (1100) (gorsaf agosaf: Clapham Junction)
Eglwys y Drindod, Freston Gardens, EN4 (1700) (gorsaf agosaf: Cockfosters)
Moreia, 881 Leytonstone High Road, E11 (1100 dydd Sul cyntaf pob mis) (gorsaf agosaf: Leytonstone)
Harrow, Lower Road, HA2 (1100) (gorsaf agosaf: Harrow-on-the-Hill)
Sutton, Lind Road, SM1 (1530) (gorsaf agosaf: Sutton)
For more information about Welsh Chapels in London, go to: www.capelillundain.org
Choirs and Music Groups
London Welsh Male Voice Choir - www.londonwelshmvc.org/
London Welsh Chorale - www.londonwelshchorale.org.uk/
Gwalia Male Voice Choir - www.gwaliamalevoicechoir.org.uk/
London Welsh Rugby Choir - http://thelondonwelshrugbyclubchoir.org/
Eschoir - www.eschoir.com/
Côr Merched Llunsain - http://llunsain.co.uk/
Children and Education
Ysgol Gymraeg Llundain - www.ysgolgymraegllundain.ik.org/
London Branch Welsh Family History Societies - www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wlslbfhs/
Cylch Chwarae Cwtsh - http://cwtsh.redantennae.co.uk/
Gŵyl Halibalŵ (cylchoedd chwarae) - http://halibalwllundain.co.uk/GwylHalibalwLlundain-eng.html
London Welsh RFC - www.london-welsh.co.uk/
London Welsh Football Club - www.londonwelshafc.co.uk/
London Welsh Cricket Club - www.lwcc.quickonthenet.com/
London Welsh RFC Supporters - www.londonwelshsupporters.com/index.htm
Social and Cultural
London Welsh Centre - www.londonwelsh.org
Cymmrodorion - www.cymmrodorion.org/
Aelwyd Llundain - www.aelwydllundain.co.uk/english.html
Montgomeryshire Society - www.montsoc.org.uk/
St David’s Day in London - www.stdavidsdayinlondon.com/
Tigz Theatre Group - www.tigztheatre.co.uk/
Business and Politics
Wales in London - www.walesinlondon.com
Association of London Welsh Lawyers - www.alwl.co.uk/
Lord Edmund Davies Legal Education Trust - www.ledlet.org.uk/
Plaid Cymru Llundain - http://plaidcymrullundain.wordpress.com/
Wales Office - www.gov.uk/government/organisations/wales-office